Major: Musical Composition

Describe your project: I wrote two pieces of classical music, one for orchestra and one for chamber ensemble. These two pieces were performed and recorded.
Who is your mentor for your project? Dr. Linda Dusman. Composition Faculty, Music Department.
How did you find your mentor? Why did you choose them?
She has been my composition teacher/mentor since I came to UMBC in 2016. I chose her because she wrote music that I thought was interesting and that I could learn from.
How did you become interested in this project?
Dr. Dusman made me aware of this opportunity and I submitted an application.
What has been the hardest part about your research/what was the most unexpected thing?
The hardest part for me was accepting that I will not get perfect recordings or performances. I was hoping for a perfect recording, but although it was good, it was not exactly what I was thinking. The most unexpected thing was the music of the other festival participants. I had certain expectations of what I thought people would be doing, but I was quite far off.
What has been the most rewarding part?
The most rewarding part was meeting people from all over the world and making connections that will last. The experience of traveling so far away and learning about the culture was also a rewarding experience. I have already begun using things I learned in Brazil in my music.
How will you disseminate your research?
I gave a presentation to the music composition students on October 31.
What is your advice to other students about getting involved in research/creative work?:
I cannot speak for standard research, but I think music festivals like the one I attended are more beneficial and possibly even necessary for music students, since they help you make important connections and get professional recordings both of which will help further your career. I plan to attend many more festivals in the future.
What are your career goals?
My goals are to be a proficient musician in multiple instruments and to be a composer of music in many different genres. I also plan to teach music privately as well as potentially at schools from elementary to higher education.