NIST/SURF Application Checklist

Send completed applications to Devon Fick at

Before You Start

Confirm that you meet the minimum requirements

  • GPA of 3.0 or above (3.7 or above preferred)
  • Considering pursing a graduate degree
  • U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident (must be documented)

If you meet the above requirements, e-mail Dr. April Householder stating your interest in applying. You will receive communications about special assistance available to SURF/NIST applicants!

Application Checklist

Assemble your application packet (In this order)

  • NIST Student Applicant Information forms:
  • Application
  • Resume – Single sided, do not staple
  • Unofficial Transcript, single-sided, do not staple
  • Personal Statement including description of prioritized research interests, limited to 2 pages, name on each page
  • Select housing option
  • Letters of Support (2); must be sent directly to the Office of Undergraduate Education to Devon Fick at
  • Verification of citizenship (a legible copy of your birth certificate, passport or green card, NOT Social Security Card)
  • BOULDER ONLY – Copy of health insurance card

Detailed Instructions

– Review and select a specific assignment that is a good fit for you: NIST

Download the SURF flyer here.

– Create/update a resume that highlights your accomplishments and skills related to research
Visit the Career Center or Shriver Center for help!

– Can be printed from myUMBC

Fall 2021 workshops: TBA
See Workshop page

– Draft a personal statement explaining why you chose this lab and what you feel you can contribute
– For advice on drafting your personal statement view “Drafting a personal statement”
– Review an example of a student’s personal statement
– Double space, do not staple, include name on each page, limited to 2 pages.

– Provide a legible copy of your birth certificate, passport, or green card, do not submit your Social Security Card
If you need help making a copy, bring the original document with you when submitting your application

– For advice on obtaining letters of support view “Requesting a Letter of Recommendation”.
– Faculty members must submit letters of recommendation directly to the Office of Undergraduate Education, Dr. April Householder, by campus mail, e-mail, or US mail. (contact information below)
Email: Dr. April Householder or
US Mail: Sherman Hall A 114-G, 1000 Hilltop Circle Baltimore, MD 21250.

EMAIL your completed application materials to

Small StarBefore submitting your materials, have your resume and personal statement reviewed by Dr. April Householder or Mr. Devon Fick
