Undergraduate Presentation Grants

Things to know…

Students, departments, and the university benefit when undergraduate researchers present their work at discipline-specific conferences or appropriate artistic venues. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 (CoronaVirus), many institutions hosting student conferences have moved their events online. While travel to the event may no longer be necessary, a registration fee may still be required.

Undergraduate Presentation Grants (formerly known as “Travel Awards”) provide students with up to $500 to cover the costs of presenting their scholarly/creative work at a conference/artistic event. Students must be accepted to present at the time of application. To apply, please complete these forms and include your conference acceptance letter and an unofficial copy of your transcript.

Student Grant Application Undergraduate Presentation Mentor Support Form

  • Students must be degree-seeking undergraduates in good standing.
  • Priority will be given to work done in the context of a credit-bearing course or a non-credit-bearing arrangement, at UMBC.
  • The student’s work must have been accepted for presentation at the conference or arts event. General attendance, without presentation, is not supported through this fund. Students must submit a letter of acceptance from the conference host, along with their Travel Stipend application materials, confirming that their presentation has been accepted.
  • Funding is for presentation of results, not for collaboration, training, or professional development.
  • Applicants must have formally explored other sources of funding including support from
    • The grant (if any) under which the research was conducted
    • The student’s department (or department in which research was conducted, if different)
    • Related councils of majors
    • The conference itself (including registration discounts available for students who volunteer during the conference)
  • Requests must be submitted in advance of the travel. Note: The approval process takes about a week and the process requires another four weeks to release funds from the university once your request is approved. Therefore, requests must be made at least 5 weeks in advance of the travel date. Retrospective requests will not be accepted.
  • Students are expected to share the benefits gained from the conference with the UMBC community. In general, this will minimally include presenting the research at URCAD and through appropriate department venues and/or submission to the UMBC Review.
  • Approved travelers must submit a short report to the Office of Undergraduate Research within two weeks of the conference explaining the value of the event to the student and to UMBC and confirming campus dissemination plans.
  • Support form must be submitted by a UMBC faculty mentor.
Students may apply for conference presentation travel funds up to $500. Full funding is not guaranteed- students must document the justification for requesting funds.
This program does not fund membership fees or the cost of participating in events related to the conference such as banquets or other special events.

  • Transportation, registration, hotel, and meal costs are eligible for funding.
  • Funds will be distributed to the academic department of the mentor who is sponsoring the student. The academic department will be responsible for making travel arrangements, etc. for the student traveler.
  • Proposals will be evaluated based on anticipated benefit to the applicant and UMBC, demonstrated need, and efforts to obtain matching funds from other sources.
  • A key element is the student’s post-conference/event dissemination plans at UMBC.
  • Preference is given to sophomores and juniors who will have more time at UMBC to share the positive results of their experiences.
  • Preference is also given to first-time presenters, that is, those who have not previously presented at a national or regional conference or arts event and have not been funded before by this program.
  • The conference/ arts event participation is to be an educational experience. As such, while not required, co-attendance with a mentor is a positive factor in judging the benefit to the student.

UPG Selection committee members: