Creating Your Poster
Most effective, informative, interesting posters have the following in common:
- Language that is easy to understand and that is free of jargon
- Large, easy-to-read typefaces with informative subheadings
- Legible colors and layout
- Small “chunks” of information rather than long paragraphs of text
- Orderly, logical progression of information
- Informative summary statement or title for each element or panel
Elements of a Poster
Draft and format the information you want to present in each of these areas:
- Title/Banner (Typically shorter than your formal research project title)
- Author(s), department(s), affiliation (UMBC)
- Overview/background of the topic area
- Statement of the research question
- Definitions of technical terms, if necessary
- Methodology
- Findings/data
- Interpretation/discussion of findings
- Conclusions
- Future research suggested by findings
- Acknowledgements of individuals/organizations that contributed to this project. This typically repeats the funding acknowledgement from your URCAD abstract.
Points to Remember
- Use a font size of at least 28 points for text. Titles and subheadings should be even larger (36 to 48 point) so that they stand out.
- Make your presentation understandable to educated laymen.
- Define ALL technical terms. If certain terms are used throughout your poster, you can include a panel that lists definitions.
- Use bullets and/or boldface to highlight the most important points.
- Include a summary of the most important points, and a statement of the “take-home” message. This should be the last element or panel of the poster.
- Don’t pounce on people as they approach. Let them read and ask a question.
Additional Resources
Dr. Raimi Quiton
Department of Psychology
rquiton1@umbc.edu, 5-51277
Mr. Timothy Phin
Department of Ancient Studies
Dr. April Householder
Office of Undergraduate Research
aprilh@umbc.edu, 5-5754
Mr. Devon Fick
Office of Undergraduate Research
dfick1@umbc.edu, 5-5513