Frequently Asked Questions
When is URCAD?
URCAD will be held on Wednesday, April 16, 2025
How can I apply to URCAD?
As of February 21st, applications are closed.
Submit your application here.
Submit your application here.
When is the deadline to apply for URCAD?
Submissions for URCAD XXVIII has been ended.
Please email with any questions.
Please email with any questions.
Who can participate in URCAD?
If you conducted research within the last year while an undergraduate student at UMBC, you can present your findings at URCAD.
How can I obtain copies of the URCAD application and mentor statement of support?
The student registration will be available for online submission starting on the first week of January.
How can I gain ideas for projects, see samples of abstracts, and receive guidance in preparing their proposals?
You may review the archived abstracts from previous conferences and watch video of prior presentations.
I am confident of the value and quality of my research, but I lack experience in giving oral presentations or poster sessions. What should I do?
All students selected to participate in URCAD are offered assistance in the form of a preparatory workshop on poster or oral presentation delivered by a member of the URCAD committee. Also, you may view streaming video of Dr. Steve Miller’s workshop on effective poster preparation and of Dr. Tim Topoleski’s workshop on good oral presentations.
Presentation Guidelines:
- Creatively Speaking: Advice for Conference Speakers
- Abstract Guidelines
- Oral Presentation Guidelines TBA (Soon)
- Poster Guidelines
- Powerpoint/posters Prep Session: TBA
Poster size: Posters should be printed no larger than 30″h x 40″w.
Please see the Poster Guidelines pdf (see link above) for further requirements, advice and workshops.
How much flexibility is there in the submission deadline?
The deadlines for submitting applications for URCAD has passed.
Student applications and faculty support materials has ended. The deadline was on the 21st of February. Because of the time-sensitive nature of the selection process, no proposal materials can be accepted after the deadline. Given the 2 month-long submission window, last-minute emergencies will not be considered.
Can I present research conducted away from UMBC?
Yes, if you have the permission of the research mentor.
Can I present research I completed on my own without faculty or other mentor support?
No, URCAD is designed for the presentation of mentored research.