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Jackie Airhart
Meet Jackie!
Read her bio here

Meet our research alumnae:

Benefits for Economics students:

  • Work with a faculty member
  • Experience hands-on research
  • Reinforce classroom learning
  • Obtain credit for Independent Research (ECON 493)
  • Prepare for work or graduate school
  • Travel to national conferences
  • Receive grant funding
  • Publish independent research
    • Are Super Bowl Betting Markets Informationally Efficient? The Time Series Evidence
      Kyle R. Clelan. UMBC Review Vol.9.
    • Measuring Energy Use: An Application to Student Apartments.
      Danielle Schwarzman, Lee Roman, Danielle Lipinski and Ashley Burton. UMBC Review vol.10.
    • Digging Deeper – Sino-Sub-Saharan African Economic Relations
      Juan Collazos. UMBC Review vol.14.

So, what are you doing next summer?

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