An example of research created by our Education Cohort:
“Encouraging Increased Attendance among Inner-City High School Students”
William J. Archer
Assistant Professor Linda Oliva
Student attendance rates are a major issue in all high schools. The inner-city high school in Baltimore where I am doing my internship has a current attendance rate of 84 percent and it is not likely that we will reach our goal of 92 percent by the end of the academic year. This study investigated the effect of academic incentives on attendance rates in a ninth grade U.S. History class during the third and fourth quarters of the academic year. These attendance data were compared with attendance rates of the first and second quarter Government class, which did not receive the same academic incentives. Students’ perspectives of the various academic incentives were also explored.
Benefits for Education students:
- Work with a faculty member
- Experience hands-on research
- Reinforce classroom learning
- Prepare for work or graduate school
- Travel to national conferences
- Receive grant funding
- Publish independent research
So, what are you doing next summer?
- Breakthrough Collaborative Teacher Experience National Internship
- Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
- EURO Scholars
- The Leadership Alliance
- Case Western Reserve University
- University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Graduate School
- UMBC Summer Research Opportunities
- Summer Research Opportunities Spreadsheet
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