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Interesting research created by our Gender and Women’s Studies students:
“La Revanche Du Coeur: Women’s Oral Traditions as Strategies for Resistance in Mali”
Sarah Solomon, Gender and Women’s Studies
Associate Professor Dr. Gloria Chuku
During my semester studying abroad in Mali, I plan to explore the research question: do women in Mali use oral traditions as strategies for resistance? I am interested in gathering stories from women who engage in oral traditions, such as ritual songs, ceremonial songs, and oral stories and family histories. I will investigate whether these oral traditions are liberating for women in Mali by analyzing whether or not they allow women to create strong social networks, to challenge or resist existing gender norms and expectations, or to increase their participation in political, cultural or social activities. I am also particularly interested in the incorporation of women’s oral traditions by contemporary female pop singers in Mali. I plan to research how contemporary pop music is an emerging space in which to examine shifting gender norms among new generations of Malians.

Meet Our Researchers:
Benefits for Gender and Women’s Studies students:
- Work with a faculty mentor
- Experience hands-on research
- Reinforce classroom learning
- Prepare for work or graduate school
- Travel to national conferences
- Receive grant funding
- Publish independent research
- Mother Moon and Orphan Jane: Lunar Imagery in Jane Eyre.
Zoya Fansler. UMBC Review Vol.1. - Intercepting Ideology: Directing Feminist Theatre.
Garrett Wright. UMBC Review Vol.2. - The Gendered Asylum: Nineteenth Century Asylums Used as Tools of
Female Socialization.
Kevin Triplett. UMBC Review Vol.12.
So, what are you doing next summer?
- Case Western Reserve University
- UMBC Summer Research Opportunities
- Women’s Studies Online Resources
- Summer Research Opportunities Spreadsheet
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For more information, check out this department’s website:
Gender & Women’s Studies