Mathematics and Statistics

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An example of research created by our Mathematics and Statistics Cohort:
“Mathematical Modeling of Cancer using ODEs and Stochastic Processes”
Jane Pan
Assistant Professor Dr. Hye-won Kang

Performing tangible experiments concerning cancer can easily become expensive in terms of necessary equipment and the number of trials that accumulate in attempts of gathering more data. The purpose of this work is to determine the significance of stochastic noises in simple cancer models by varying the network topology and the parameters of interest. Using biological literature, we wish to create a model that we can simulate and compare with experimental results. The utilization of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) becomes necessary to describe the chemical reaction networks. Performing simulations based on these models on numerical computing environments such as MATLAB tests our approaches and methods in an efficient way while reducing error, allowing us to take immediate action for adjusting our existing model. We hope that implementing a wide range of trials will allow us to identify existing correlations between noise variations and its effects on signaling pathways, for doing so could provide scientists with a probable plan to undertake with their lab experiments, saving valuable resources and time.

A three quarter portrait of Maya
Meet Maya. Read her bio here!

Meet our research alumnae:

Benefits for Mathematics and Statistic students:

  • Work with a faculty member
  • Experience hands-on research
  • Reinforce classroom learning
  • Prepare for work or graduate school
  • Travel to national conferences
  • Receive grant funding
  • Publish independent research
    • A Mathematical Model of Vulnerable Plaque Growth and Rupture.
      Alexandria Volkening. UMBC Review Vol.12.
    • Modeling Sensory Input.
      Geoffrey Clapp. UMBC Review Vol.12.
    • Modeling and Dynamic of Gene Regulatory Networks.
      Christine Sweigart. UMBC Review Vol.12.

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Mathematics & Statistics