“The creative process and original performance are research that advance the field of music.”
~ Dr. Joseph Morin, Associate Chair, Department of Music
An example of research created by our Music Cohort:
“Teaching Music Notation Using Music Learning Theory Pattern Instruction versus Traditional Instrumental Methods”
Ellen L. Green
Associate Professor Jonathan Singer
Two fourth grade classes, one consisting of 21 students and the other consisting of 22 students, are to begin learning music notation after aurally practicing the first three songs in the Recorder Karate curriculum by Barb Philipak. Most instrumental method books follow a sequence of teaching students to read notation through logical steps that make sense to mathematically minded adults. However, recent research in the development of Music Learning Theory by Edwin Gordon and other members of the Gordon Institute for Music Learning has shown that children understand music syntax and music notation best through pattern instruction. In this method of teaching, tonal and rhythm pattern instruction are initially separated. In this comparison study one class was taught using the traditional instrumental sequence and the other class was taught using Music Learning Theory-based pattern instruction. Instruction occurred over the course of four weeks with one 45-minute lesson each week. Students were assessed for prior music notation knowledge at the beginning of the first lesson. At the end of the fourth lesson, students were given a short piece to perform and assessed based on accuracy.

Meet a research alumnae:
Benefits for Music students:
- Work with a faculty member
- Experience hands-on research
- Reinforce classroom learning
- Prepare for work or graduate school
- Travel to national conferences or festivals
- Receive grant funding
- Publish independent research
- A Young Voice in the Shadows: Perpsectives on the Origins of the Tube and Commentary on the Modern Instrument.
David Bell III. UMBC Review Vol.2. - An Introduction to Musical Tuning and the Historical Temperaments.
Liesel Kloetzli. UMBC Review Vol.3.
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