Visual Arts

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An example of research created by our Visual Arts Cohort:
“Afrofuturism in Visual Culture”
Jazmin Smith
Associate Professor Preminda Jacob

Afrofuturism is a genre based on the idea that science fiction and fantasy can be used to describe the black experience. Parallels between science fiction and the black experience of the past, present, and future include existing as an Other, unable to assimilate; the ordeal of abduction while being the subject of experimentation; and creating a new societal normal after a forced interaction with an unknown. At present, Afrofuturism is primarily expressed through literary work and music. This project will introduce the concept of Afrofuturism to visual artists in the UMBC community through a web-based exhibition of a few existing Afrofuturistic works. After presenting this website to UMBC visual artists, I will challenge them to explore ideas of Afrofuturism in their own work. The project will culminate in a juried art exhibition.

A three quarter portrait of Kristina on the Library green.
Meet Kristina Soetje! Read her bio here

Meet a research alumna:

See videos presented at Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) by Visual Arts students:

*For more videos, check out the URCAD Archives!

Benefits for Visual Arts students:

  • Work with a faculty member
  • Experience hands-on research
  • Reinforce classroom learning
  • Prepare for work or graduate school
  • Travel to national conferences or festivals
  • Receive grant funding
  • Publish independent research
    • Book of the Dead: Considerations of Impermanence, Blight, and Renewal in Greater Baltimore.
      Jay Perry. UMBC Review Vol. 5.
    • Zuzana Licko.
      Lucas Hanyok. UMBC Review Vol. 8.
    • A Portrait of Jaromir Stephany: Photographer, Educator, Historian.
      Emily Hauver. UMBC Review Vol. 8.

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Visual Arts