Political Science

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An example of research created by our Political Science Cohort:
“Neo-Corporatism and the 2008 Financial Crisis: The Relations between Western States and Supranational Corporations”
Nathaniel C. Buechler
Associate Professor Carolyn Forestiere

This research project examines why German insurance industries were more sheltered from economic hardship in the 2008 Economic Crisis relative to their American counterparts. The project suggests that Germany’s extensive use of Neo-Corporatism is a primary explanation of German superior performance. Neo-Corporatism is a system of interest group aggregation whereby government, corporations, and labour unions work together to find consensus for economic policies. To assess the role that Neo-Corporatism demonstrated in sheltering German insurance industries, this study investigated the differences between Allianz in Germany and AIG in the United States. Specifically I find that AIG sold Credit Default Swaps allowing for economic vulnerability and other negative consequences of the Securitization process, while Allianz encountered less adverse financial exposure due to differences throughout American and German markets. In sum, Neo-Corporatism is the key difference to the success of Allianz.

This work was funded through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, formally known as the Office of Undergraduate Education.

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Benefits for Political Science students:

  • Work with a faculty member
  • Experience hands-on research
  • Reinforce classroom learning
  • Prepare for work or graduate school
  • Travel to national conferences
  • Receive grant funding
  • Publish independent research
    • Consensus and Legitimacy in Supreme Court Opinions
      Wayne Heavener. UMBC Review Vol.12.
    • Afro-Porteño Identity Today
      Vivian Ekey. UMBC Review Vol.12.

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Political Science